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Based in: Madison, WI

Originally from: Milwaukee, WI


Lucy Steffes

Astrophysics and Physics Undergraduate at UW-Madison

Hi! I'm Lucy Steffes! I am currently a senior double-majoring in Astronomy-Physics and Physics at UW-Madison. I am also pursuing certificates in Mathematics, German, and History. I currently work with Professor Snezana Stanimirovic examining the diffuse Interstellar Medium, particularly looking for molecules in the Magellanic Stream.

I also work with Dr. Jesse Bublitz at the Green Bank Observatory, where I was an REU Student in 2021 and 2022. There, I study the chemical composition and evolution of the Helix Nebula. Most recently, I was an intern at the Berkeley SETI Research Center, with Drs. Chenoa Trembaly, Mark Ruzindana, and Savin Shynu-Varghese. Among other accomplishments, I was awarded the Goldwater Scholarship in 2022.

In my free time, I love hiking, photography, sewing, and cooking.

Stanimirovic Group at UW-Madison

Standing: Nickolas Pingel, Jakob Mills, Jared McCoy, Trey Wenger

Seated: Me, Madisen Johnson, Aishani Das, Hongxing Chen, Snezana Stanimirovic

Not Pictured: Dan Rybarczyk, Brian Babler, Amit Mittal

2022 Green Bank Observatory REU Students

Left to right: Hugo Negrel, Alex Seidman, Nathan Sparks, Amara Green, Corvus Koithan, Me, Catalina Zamora, Mary Rickel, Elizabeth Lowe

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